Economic Analysis

The UAE is considered to have the 28th freest economy in the world but I wanted to look at the overall economic freedom and sub categories because the UAE and Dubai, from an outsider’s perspective, seems that they have more economic freedom than the United States. The following results prove my perspective to be wrong.  The data I have collected categorizes countries that are: under the 50th percentile to be considered as being suppressed, under the 60th percentile to be mostly unfree, under the 70th percentile to be moderately free, under the 80th percentile to mostly free, and over the 80th percentile to be free. 

Currency: Emirati Dirham or AED
Value compared to dollar: $1 = 3.7 AED

Economic Freedom:  UAE at 71.1% vs. USA at 76%
Business Freedom: UAE at 74% vs.  USA at 90.5%
Trade Freedom: UAE at 82.6% vs. USA at 86.4%
Investment Freedom:  UAE at 35% vs. USA at 70%
Fiscal Freedom: UAE 99.9% vs. USA at 69.3%
Government Spending: UAE 85.1% vs. USA at 47.8%
Labor Freedom: UAE 77.6% vs. USA at 95.5%

Overall Economy Basic Statistics
Population: 5.4 million
GDP: $258.8 billion
GDP growth: 4.9%
Per Capita: $48,158
Unemployment: 12.9%

GDP: $44 billion
GDP growth: 4.1%
Debt: $50 billion
Expected Debt 2013: $9.8 billion
Tourism Sector: 13% increase
Main Exports: Oil and Gas are less than 6% 

2013 World Economic Freedom Index
Oxford Business Group